Updated School Calendar 11-23-20
December calendar for the Group A Hybrid students.
All school closing at the end of the day on Friday, November 20th until December 1st
Positive Covid Case at High School 11-19-20
More Positive Covid Cases 11-17-20
Positive Covid Cases 11-16-20
A message from Mr. Graham 11-16-20
BEA Elementary Schools Thank Our Veterans
Positive Covid Case 11-10-20
Thank you Veterans!
A message from Mr. Graham
Positive Covid Cases  11-6-20
Free Veterans Day Lunch
Free Breakfast and Lunch for the rest of the school year
Positive Covid Case In Port Matilda  and CPI
Positive Covid Case at Wingate Elem.
New schedule
A message from Mr. Graham regarding Parent/Teacher Conferences
Educational Instructional Option