For all Elementary Parents and Caregivers. A message from Mr. Orichosky, Director of Elementary Education.
Dear Families,
What an amazing start to the school year. Even with the early dismissal for the flooding on day two it was such a great start. It has also unfortunately came with some controversy. Since the mask order came out at the state level and BEA has shared how we are handling it moving forward, it has been great. Thank you all for that. Since this has become an issue and things seem to be changing daily, we have decided to make a little change for the Back to School nights for next week. We will be using the virtual model for those nights like we did last year. The classroom teachers will be setting up a zoom session for families that will follow the schedule shared last week from each school. So be on the look out for that. Thank you all so much for working side by side with us not only during this time, but always. The only way a school can be successful is with a partnership with all involved and that partnership is strong in all the elementary schools. Working together each day for the good of all children will be what we do each and every day. Thanks so much and have a great weekend.
James Orichosky
Director of Elementary Education