20-21 BEA Covid Policy Handbook: Details the policies and procedures that will be followed to maintain school/student/staff health and safety. (see below for handbook)
MS-HS Student and Staff Social Distancing and other Safety Protocols: This document details items specific to the Middle/High School. One item everyone should read is the change in student morning drop off locations and the procedures used for parent dropoff. MS/HS Student and Staff Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols
2020 Attendance Procedures - Remote Learners: This document details how student attendance will be taken for those in the A/B Groups (when remote) and for students participating in the Virtual learning option. Virtual Attendance Requirements Procedures
BEAES 1:1 Equipment Agreement BEA Elementary
A few reminders:
- Option 1 (In-School) Families & Group A Students: Students should bring their completed and signed Equipment Agreement with them on the first day of school. This document, mailed home a week ago, is needed for Chrome books to be taken home. Extra forms will be posted on the district's facebook page, the website, and available from your child's school.
- Option 1 and 2 Families: If requested, thermometers (one per family), face shields, and face masks can be picked up on Monday, August 24th between 12:00 and 4:00 PM from your child's school.
- Option 2, 3, and 4 Families: Reminder that the next Chromebook pick-up date is Monday, August 24th from 12:00-4:00 at your child's school.
- Option 2 (Group A/Group B) is indicated on the students' Chromebook and their Chromebook bag.
- An A/B day calendar for August and September has been posted to the website and facebook. These will be updated during the school year.
- Textbook pick-up will be held on Friday, August 28th from 8:00 AM - 3:30 PM at your child's school. Students will receive course materials for classes that require the use or physical copy of a textbook. In many cases, textbooks are available online so a student may not receive a physical textbook for all their classes.
COVID Policy Handbook
Health and Safety
Health Screening
- Parents/caregivers are asked to check temperatures before students leave the house each day.
- Temperature checks will also occur each morning at all buildings.
- Any students who are sick or have any symptoms will immediately be sent to the nurse’s suite in each building.
- Staff must self-report symptoms to a school medical professional and administrators.
- The Bald Eagle Area Administrative team will be visible in classrooms and common areas to monitor the health and safety of all educational stakeholders.
- Health checks should occur each day by parents/caregivers. Students who do not feel well should stay home.
- Parents/caregivers are asked to check temperatures before students leave the house each day. If a student has a temperature above 100.4 degrees, they should stay at home and contact their medical provider for further instructions.
- Medical staff will ask symptom-related questions of students when necessary.
- Instructors will monitor their students on an ongoing basis throughout each day.
- If a student arrives at school with symptoms, they should immediately report to the Health Suite where they will then be checked by a Bald Eagle Area Medical Professional and placed in quarantine if deemed appropriate.
- Adults should monitor students throughout the day and immediately contact the Health Suite if they exhibit or self-identify symptoms. They will then be directed by a Bald Eagle Area Medical Professional or Administrator on the proper procedure to follow for quarantine if deemed appropriate.
- The quarantine/isolation area will be configured to accommodate isolation of staff/student who becomes ill. The student/staff will wear a face covering. A Bald Eagle Area Medical Professional or designee will be the only staff member(s) with access to the isolation area. This area will be decontaminated after the individual has left the building. The office should be contacted prior to sending a student to the office to assure a safe visit.
- Staff should self-report symptoms to a school medical professional and administrators.
- The Bald Eagle Area Medical Professional or Administrator will determine if an individual needs isolation based on the School Symptom Screening Tool provided at the end of this document.
- A Bald Eagle Area Medical Professional or Administrator will make the determination if a student or staff member should remain in quarantine or isolation during the school day.
- The Bald Eagle Area Administrative Team will visit classrooms and be visible in common areas to monitor the health and safety of all educational stakeholders.
- Staff/students may return to school after a confirmed positive diagnosis of COVID-19 as outlined by the CDC as well as the Pennsylvania Department of Health. www.cdc.gov/cornavirus/2019-nc...
- If a student/employee has contact with someone with COVID-19, they should stay home for 14 days after exposure.
- If a student/employee tests positive for COVID-19, they should stay home for 14 days or be released in writing by a physician, to return to school/work. after exposure. They will be required to provide a COVID-19 negative test result to the Business Office for employees and the school nurse for students.
- Families of those who had direct contact with someone with a confirmed illness or exposure will be notified by the Pennsylvania Department of Health or a member of the Bald Eagle Area Administrative Team.
- All Bald Eagle Area families and staff will be notified of confirmed illness or exposure within the school using the Bald Eagle Area mass communication system.
- Changes to the local Health and Safety Plan will be communicated to parents, students, and the community using several methods: social media, mass communication system, Bald Eagle Area Facebook pages, Bald Eagle Area website, and individual schools communication systems.
- All HIPPA regulations will be followed.
- The Pennsylvania Department of Health will be contacted by an administrator or designee for detailed information.
Social Distancing and Other Safety Protocols
- Students and staff will follow a single lane system (like a roadway) when moving in the hallways. This includes walking single-file to and from classrooms.
- A face covering will be worn at all times in the hallway by students and staff.
- Students will sit 6’ apart and desks will face the same direction when possible, masks must be worn.
- All classroom doors will remain locked, but open to minimize the touching of door handles.
- No shared food or drinks are permitted in the classrooms.
- All field trips are canceled until further notice.
- Classrooms will be cleaned each day at times possible as well as each night using the latest technology that the district has purchased.
- The use of communal restrooms requires masks at all times.
- Classroom restrooms will still be used (Elementary).
- All extra space will be repurposed into classrooms or cafeteria areas in order to use space as necessary.
- The cafeteria/lobby will not be used for large group meetings, assemblies, or other formal gatherings during the school day or in the evenings.
- All student vending areas will be closed.
- Staff will sanitize their classrooms throughout the day and all high “touch points” will be sanitized/disinfected several times each day by the custodial staff.
- Face coverings will not be required outside when social distancing can happen.
- District provided transportation will be provided to each school and will follow social distancing guidelines to the maximum extent feasible. Transportation changes may be made throughout the school year to adjust with changes in social distancing guidelines.
- Parents may transport family members each day.
- Students will be dismissed to their buses in stages to decrease the number of students leaving the building at one time (Elementary Level).
- Students will be required to wear face coverings at all times in the building with breaks scheduled throughout the day.
- When students are moving, they are expected to wear a face covering at all times.
- Face covering breaks will be provided as needed and appropriate.
- Students and staff will be required to wear face coverings in all public areas at all times.
- Students must wear face coverings when working in groups in the classroom or during one-on-one instruction.
- Students will be asked to provide a doctor’s note stating that they are unable to wear a face covering. Parent notes will not be accepted.
- Bald Eagle Area will use PDE’s definition of a face covering which is: “Face covering” means a covering of the nose and mouth that is secured to the head with ties, straps, or loops over the ears or wrapped around the lower face. A “face covering” can be made of a variety of synthetic or natural fabric, including cotton, silk, or linen, and can include a plastic face shield that covers the nose and mouth.
- All face coverings must be appropriate for the school setting and follow all dress code policies and guidelines.
- Staff are required to wear face coverings in their classrooms when others are present and 6’ of social distancing cannot occur. If a staff member is working alone in their designated area, they do not have to wear a mask.
- Staff and students within the high-risk category will need to provide medical evidence to an administrator to determine a plan for education and work. Notes from parents will not be considered appropriate documentation.
- Face covering breaks will happen throughout the day at 10 minute intervals.
- Only essential staff, and others authorized by the administration will be permitted in the school.
- All visitors will be greeted using the monitoring system located in the main entrance of the building.
- School Gate Guardian and Receptionist Permission must be granted in order to enter the building.
- Visitors must have face coverings to enter and temperature checks/screening questions will be asked upon entrance to the elementary or middle/high school buildings. Visitors that refuse to comply will not be granted access to the building.
- Visitors will not be admitted into student areas without administrative knowledge.
- Parents may be asked to remain outside when picking up or dropping off students during the school day.
Other Common Areas
Face Coverings
Cleaning, Sanitizing, Disinfecting, and Ventilation
- All rooms will be cleaned with a cleaner/disinfectant recommended by the CDC before students return.
- All HVAC filters will be replaced throughout the building for the start of school.
- All student areas will be cleaned/disinfected as much as possible each day at least two times each day.
- The ventilation system will be monitored and filters changed at least quarterly.
- Door handles will be disinfected on a regular basis throughout the day.
- Custodians will be trained on cleaning procedures and given a checklist to use.
- The Director of Building and Grounds will follow up with custodial staff to ensure proper cleaning procedures are taking place.
- Students will be provided with health and safety protocol training during the first week of school.
- Staff and students will follow proper handwashing procedures. When washing hands, students and staff are asked to follow the guidelines set by the CDC. These steps include:
- Students will be required to sanitize or wash their hands throughout the day and during instructional time as necessary and appropriate.
■ Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and apply soap.
■ Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
■ Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds. Need a timer? Hum the “Happy Birthday” song from beginning to end twice.
■ Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
■ Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.
Responding to Illness
At Home
At School
Confirmed/Probable Cases
Adult/Staff Interaction
- Adults and staff should maintain a distance of at least 6 feet from students and each other to the extent possible and when not disruptive to the educational process.
- All group meetings such as parent-teacher conferences, staff meetings, and curriculum planning meetings will be held virtually when guidelines cannot be followed.
- Staff Room should only be used to the extent that 6 feet of social distancing can occur between staff members.
- Congregation in shared spaces is discouraged unless otherwise requested by Bald Eagle Area Administrative Team for supervision purposes.
- Physical barriers have been added to reception areas and employee workspaces when the environment does not accommodate the requirements of social distancing. Please be respectful to stay behind the shields and out of offices where social distancing is not possible.
- A “No Congregation” policy is in place until further notice or unless requested by administration (social distancing guidelines would then be followed).
Bald Eagle Area Guests/Visitors
- Information will be provided to parents, students, and the community via social media, the mass communication system, the Bald Eagle Area Website, and from individual schools.
- Letters will be sent out as necessary and appropriate in order to communicate important information to parents/caregivers.
- All Bald Eagle Area teachers, staff, and administration will be trained on protocols for monitoring students.
- The Bald Eagle Area Administration will closely monitor protocols for monitoring student and staff health in order to take immediate corrective action to ensure the safety of all stakeholders.
- All substitute instructors will receive training on procedures of the Health and Safety Protocols before they are permitted to facilitate instruction.
- Administrators, teachers, school counselors, instructional assistants and staff will serve in various capacities as first responders, triage, and facilitators as assigned.
- The Bald Eagle Area School Counselors will provide social emotional support and wellness activities throughout the school year. As appropriate and necessary, the Bald Eagle Area Administrative Team and/or School Counselor will meet with students at school to help with social and emotional wellness concerns.
Additional Information
- Students are expected to follow all established policies and guidelines. Failure to do so could result in a student being asked to move to virtual learning.
- Guidelines/policies will apply to all students unless the appropriate/requested information is provided by parents/caregivers regarding high risk or special needs students.
Who is responsible for ensuring these guidelines are met?
- Everyone - Teachers, staff, students, administration, parents, and community members are responsible for ensuring guidelines are met and all educational stakeholders are safe.
- Teachers and staff are expected to lead by example and follow all of the set guidelines and procedures.
- Teachers and all staff are responsible for enforcing the set guidelines and procedures.
- The administration will monitor and enforce the set guidelines and procedures in all aspects of the school setting.
- All Bald Eagle Area teachers and staff will work with students so that they can understand the guidelines and meet the set expectations. It is understandable that everyone will make mistakes and that this is a learning process for everyone involved.
- At Bald Eagle Area we expect all students to act in a mature and respectful manner at all times.