Covid update

Dear BEA Community:

Here is an update on COVID cases for the weeks of January 17-21 and January 24-28:

January 17-21:

MS/HS:      8 cases (7 students and 1 adult)
Wingate:    5 cases (4 students and 1 adult)
Mt. Top:     3 cases (All students)
Port Mat.:  3 cases (All students)
Howard:    3 cases (All students)

January 24-28:

MS/HS:     5 cases (4 students and 1 adult)
Wingate:   4 cases ( 2 students and 2 adults)
Mt. Top:    4 cases (3 students and 1 adult)
Port Mat.: 3 cases (All students)
Howard:   3 cases (2 students and 1 adult)

Overall, the MS/HS and Wingate's cases are steady to slightly lower than the previous couple of weeks while Mountaintop, Port Matilda, and Howard's cases are slightly up from the previous couple of weeks.

Scott V. Graham