6th Grade Scheduling Information

6th Grade Course Scheduling Information – Band & Chorus
All 6th grade students will be placed into 90 minute blocks for Language Arts and Math in the morning. Science and Social Studies courses alternate every other day in the afternoon. Students are scheduled in exploratory courses and related Arts courses as described in the Middle School Course Description Booklet (shorturl.at/uzJ01). All students will have a Homework Hall period 11 each day.
 Band occurs ONE time per 6 day cycle. This means if your child is interested in participating in band, they will have 5 Homework Halls per 6 day cycle and one day of band.
 Chorus also meets ONE time per 6 day cycle. This means if your child is interested in participating in chorus, they will have 5 Homework Halls per 6 day cycle and one day of chorus.
 If your child chooses to participate in both band and chorus, they will have 4 Homework Halls per 6 day cycle.
If you child wishes to participate in band, chorus, or both, please email or text a photo of this signed and dated scheduling request form to approval@beasd.net by Friday, May 22, 2020. Information regarding 6th Grade Orientation will be provided at a later date.

Band and Chorus Scheduling Request Form 

_________Yes, my child wants to schedule band for 6th grade.
_________Yes, my child wants to schedule chorus for 6th grade.
_________Yes, my child wants to schedule band and chorus for 6th grade.

Student Signature: __________________________ Date: _______________ Parent Signature: ___________________________ Date: _______________