
We need your votes!

Bald Eagle Middle/High School participated in an NSF-funded grant project entitled "The dynamics of jets and waves in the atmosphere and Southern Ocean".  This funding supported a physics teacher from a rural high school to participate in a research experience through the teachers program at the Center for Science and the Schools (CSATS) at Penn State.  Mr. Besong, (2022 Teacher of the Year) conducted meteorology research under the direction of Dr. Sukyoung Lee and her research group in his physics classes at BEA. 

Below is a 2022 STEM for All Video Showcase as BEA , CSATS, and PSU are being recognized for the strong classroom connections that came out of this experience.  At the end of the video there is an opportunity to vote for Mr. Besong and our school.  We need your votes!  Please watch the video to see Mr. Besong and 2021 graduate Sarah Holler discuss their research.  And at the end please consider voting for our school by clicking on the "Vote for Public Choice" button!