Dear BEA Community:Wow, what a storm! I am glad to see so many great pictures on Facebook of our students having fun in the snow.
Tomorrow we will be back to remote learning, what we did prior to and the week after Thanksgiving. I realize that Zito internet has been off for some. If it is still off tomorrow, please notify your child(ren)'s school to let them know. If you do not have internet or internet with adequate bandwidth to Zoom, please follow the same procedures you did the last time we were doing remote learning. You will be able to go to one of our schools' parking lots and use the hotspot to download the material.
Thank you for your flexibility through this difficult time. I realize there is no perfect solution here but we are doing our best with the ever-changing mandates and the daily issues in dealing with Covid.
One thing I would like to remind parents of is to please notify the school nurse, principal, or me if your child is positive with Covid or quarantined now and over Christmas Break.
We are planning to return to in-person instruction on January 4, 2021. Have a great weekend.
Scott V. Graham
A message from Mr. Graham 12-17-20
December 17, 2020