Attention Middle/High School Students.

Schedules have been posted on Sapphire 

Schedule Change Requests for Grades 9-12

Every effort was made to place students in the courses they selected this spring. Courses in the building are ultimately scheduled each year based on the course requests of students.  Every effort is made to match students’ needs and interests in the offering of courses and programs.  Please reference Page 4 of the Course Description Booklet for schedule change guidelines. 

Schedule changes are limited at this point, but if you feel you must request a change, please choose one of the following options:

  1. Contact your counselor by email ( A-J, or K-Z) with your requested changes no later than Friday, August 14th.   Please include your child’s name, grade level for the 20-21 school year, and a phone number where you can be reached. 

  2. Schedule a 15-minute appointment with your child’s counselor for 8/13, 8/14, or 8/19 by calling Ms. Fayman at 355-4629.  Meetings will be held in the Middle/High School Lobby.  Face masks are required.

All students will receive final schedules on the first day of school and should follow this schedule.  Adjustments to the master schedule and student schedules may be necessary in August due to new COVID mandates and the educational options students may select by August 14th.