Dear BEA Community:I wanted to update you on Covid cases for this past week. We had 2 confirmed cases at Wingate and 1 confirmed case at the MS/HS. We have no cases at Port Matilda, Mountaintop, and Howard.
We were able to offer Covid vaccinations to 24 staff and 22 bus drivers thanks to Bellefonte Area School District. They were able to obtain 200 doses of the vaccine and invited us to send staff and bus drivers who qualified to receive their vaccination under current state guidelines.
We are hopeful to offer our remaining staff vaccinations when they qualify under current state guidelines. If we are approached to open our facilities to offer vaccinations to the general public, I will recommend to the Board we do so.
Thank you,
Scott V. Graham

A message from Mr. Graham 2-11 21
February 11, 2021