Message from Dr. Clapper 3-23-20





TELEPHONE: (814) 3554860

FAX: (814) 3551028



March 23, 2020


Good evening BEA Families,


The Beale Eagle Area School District is committed to advocating and caring for our students and families beyond the classroom, especially in times of crisis. We are working diligently to ensure the safety of our employees, students and families while taking into consideration the need for food and educational resources during this closure.

In efforts to maintain our commitment to serving students, families, and the community, we wanted to share new updates to meals and educational learning opportunities the District has put in place: 

• A lunch and snack/breakfast will be provided each day on a first come, first served basis. Students must be present in order for meals to be provided. Please stay in your car and meals will be passed through based on the number of children in the car. Meals to go will be available Monday through Friday starting Monday, March 23 at the following locations & times.
Milesburg Fire Hall: Noon-1:00 PM
Wingate Elementary Parking Loop: Noon-1:00 PM
Port Matilda Elementary Parking Loop: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Howard Elementary: 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
Pine Glen Fire Hall: Noon-1:00 PM
Snow Shoe EMS: Noon -1:00 PM

Contact Laura Frye, Food Service Director at if you have questions about this service.

• The District has a provided a list of webpages for you to assist your children with using school resources at home. Online resources are located on the BEA website (choose “Click here for e-learning resources”). We suggest checking this site periodically as additional resources will be added in the coming days.
• Students in AP courses: Beginning on Wednesday, March 25, students and schools will have access to free, live AP review lessons, delivered by AP teachers from across the country. The lessons will focus on reviewing the skills and concepts from the first 75% of the course.  These mobile-friendly classes are:
Designed to be used alongside work that may be given by schools. 
Recorded and will be available on-demand so teachers and students can access them any time. 
Not dependent on current AP teachers continuing instruction. 

Information about the reduced scope of content that will be covered on each 2020 AP Exam is currently posted on AP Central (https://apcentral.collegeboard...)


The District would like students to continue their learning during this time. However, currently student participation is not required, assignments/student work products are not graded, and these learning activities do not count toward compulsory school attendance. BUT it would be beneficial if students voluntarily participate in the online learning experiences as it will help keep them better prepared for when school resumes.


Please know we are regularly receiving information and updates from both federal and state agencies concerning the potential length of the school closure as well as legal guidance forproviding online learning especially related Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE), Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA), and general equal access opportunities for all children. We will keep you apprised as what direction and recommendation we receive related to online learning for all students.  Earlier today, we sent a One Call asking parents to call 814-355-2869 if they do not have internet access OR if internet access is inadequate to support multiple devices at home. Yourcooperation with providing this information by Thursday, March 26th. would be greatly appreciated.


Finally, please know that Governor Wolf announced earlier today that all public schools will remain closed for additional weeks. Under the new timeline, school buildings would reopen on April 7  to allow school administrators, teachers, and other staff time to prepare classrooms, set up cafeterias, schedule transportations, and arrange other business operations. Students would return to school on April 9, unless extending the closure is needed in response to the situation with the virus at that time. 


In the meantime, be safe, wash your hands frequently, and practice social distancing, 


Dr. Joseph ClapperInterim Superintendent

BEA Administrative Team