The Bald Eagle Area School District is located in the northern portion of Centre County, extending north to the western branch of the Susquehanna River. Formed in 1952, the district is the largest, geographically, of the four school districts located entirely in Centre County. The District is comprised of the boroughs of Howard, Milesburg, Port Matilda, Snow Shoe, and Unionville, and the townships of Boggs, Burnside, Howard, Huston, Snow Shoe, Union, and Worth, and encompasses 342.6 square miles of majestic hills, rolling farmlands, and surrounds 80,000 acres of state forest. The district serves a population of 16,156 residents, who occupy approximately 5,768 housing units.
Spend a little time in the Bald Eagle Area School District, and you will soon find that our schools are often at the forefront of instituting exciting new educational programs and innovative initiatives. We have an excellent staff and all of our facilities are top-notch, even though we have the lowest tax base in Centre County. Our students simply “shine” – there is no other word for it! We regularly receive comments from visiting consultants, substitute teachers, and area employers, who say that BEA students are hard-working, kind, compassionate, polite, and well-behaved individuals. The fact that our community, students, parents, staff, and local businesses all feel that they are an important part of the “BEA Family” is the most special feature of our District.

Graduate students are sought after by schools and employers by enabling our students to acquire and transfer 21st-century knowledge skills to the real world.
Develop respectful students whose lives demonstrate integrity.
Include interventions and innovative styles of teaching to meet all student needs.
Involve and communicate with our community.
Be the “School of Choice” for all stakeholders within our community.
Students are our priority.
All people have worth and should be treated equally with dignity and respect.
A successful educational experience is the responsibility of the school, student, family, and community.
Our school facilities should provide a safe, supportive, and welcoming environment.
Our school district is an integral part of the community and contributes to its succes
Bald Eagle Area Middle and High School: (814) 355-4868
Howard Elementary School: (814) 625-2423
Mountaintop Area Elementary School: (814) 387-6861
Port Matilda Elementary School: (814) 692-7429
Wingate Elementary School: (814) 355-4872
District Departments
Administrative Office: (814) 355-4860
Athletics: (814) 355-4868
Business Office: (814) 355-5516
BEA Cyber Academy: (814) 380-1393
Registrar: (814) 355-3737
Special Education Department: (814) 355-5731
Transportation: (814) 355-3737